The interface:A kindler,Gentler Windows
Windows vista emphasizes style over substance with features such as aero's translucent windows frames (woo-hoo!) and flashy but not useful flip 3D windows switcher.
Many elements ,such as desktop search,play cath-up with Apple's Mac OS X and existing free warmed-over OS X.
The Windows taskbar undergoes its biggest remodelling job ever: The familliar bars containg the name of a running application and a tiny icon gone,and in their place are unlabeled,jumbo icons that look like gargantuan versions of the icons in the old taskbar's quick launch tooolbar-as well they should ,since ,in windows 7,they supplant Quick Launch.( The new taskbar does look rather like OS X's Dock and includes similar features such as the ability to rearrange icons by dragging and dropping-but it's different enough that it doesnt feel like a Dock clone)
Windows Vista's taskbar introduced previews of windows,thumbnail-size,that appear when u hover the mouse pointer over a app in taskbar.They are quite handy,but you can see only one of them at a time.In windows 7,thumbnails for multiple windows appear on a screen simultaneously,in a ribbon like horizontal strip.Hover over one of the thumbnails, and you
get full-size preview of the windows; you can also close windows from thumbnails.
Click on an icon in the taskbar-or on a program in the start menu-and you get a "jump list", anew windows feature providing one click acess to tasks associated with an application-play all music for windows media player,for instances,or a listof recently opened files in Word or Excel.
Not all jumbo taskbar icons represent running applications,however.In windows 7,these can also represent devices attached to your PC.
The new taskbar on demo Pcs suggest it could make life in windows more pleasant in ways that vista's splashy effects dont.
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